What is an orthodontist?

Orthodontists complete dental school just like your family dentist, and then they receive 2 to 3 more years of specialized training and experience. While some dentists may offer basic services like braces, only an orthodontist is qualified to straighten your teeth, correct jaw structure issues, and improve the actual function of your bite and smile.

What’s the best age to first visit an orthodontist?

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first visit with an orthodontist around age 7. Every mouth is different, though, and you might want to see your family orthodontist a little earlier if you notice problems with your child’s teeth or bite.

However, orthodontic treatment is not exclusive to children and teens. About one in every five orthodontic patients is over the age of 21. Whether you’re considering treatment for yourself or for a child, any time is a good time to visit the orthodontist!

What causes crooked teeth and other orthodontic problems?

In many cases, malocclusions (bad bite) are genetic, meaning you inherit them from your parents. Crowded teeth, spacing issues, extra teeth, jaw growth and formation problems, and other common crooked teeth problems are all determined largely by your genes.

Additionally, behaviors and diseases can cause orthodontic issues. Thumb sucking is an example of a bad habit that can cause malocclusions, and certain dental diseases can create problems that are addressed by orthodontia. You may also have alignment or jaw issues from accidents, injuries, and other trauma to your mouth or jaw.

How do I know if my child needs braces? 

Proper alignment ensures your child eats, speaks, and breathes correctly; improper alignment or alignment that is not corrected cannot only impede these functions, but it can also lead to more serious problems as an adult. Orthodontics in children is primarily preventative, helping guide facial and jawbones as they develop.

Signs your child may need braces or other orthodontic treatment include:

  • Mouth breathing
  • Difficulty chewing or biting
  • Early, late, or irregular loss of baby teeth
  • Teeth and/or jaws that are disproportionate to the rest of the face
  • Misplaced, crowded, or blocked teeth
  • Teeth that do not meet properly or at all
  • Jaws that shift, protrude, make sounds, or are recessed

How long do I have to wear my braces or Invisalign®?

Since every patient and case is different, the amount of time spent in braces will vary. Typically, orthodontic treatment times can take anywhere between six and 30 months, but most standard treatments take about 22 months.

Do braces or Invisalign® hurt? 

Some patients report feeling discomfort when they initially get braces because their teeth, gums, and cheeks will have to get used to the new braces. It is also normal for the teeth to feel sore for three to seven days after most orthodontic appointments. It helps to avoid hard food until the soreness disappears. An over-the-counter pain reliever such as Motrin, Tylenol, or Advil may also help.

How much do braces or Invisalign® cost?

There’s a lot of factors consider when calculating your treatment costs. Every mouth is different, and the price of your treatment will depend on your choices and your needs. Depending on the severity of your malocclusions, the complexity of treatment, and the options you select, your costs will vary.

The good news is that most patients find that treatment is more affordable than they expect. With payment plans, insurance benefits, and flex spending accounts, you can likely get the smile you want with low monthly payments. We are proud to offer customized financial plans for every patient to help them achieve a healthy smile!

Does insurance cover braces or Invisalign®?

Every patient’s insurance plan is different, and your coverage will depend on the specifics of your plan and provider.

Many insurance policies carry an orthodontic benefit that’s entirely separate from dental insurance, which means that even if you don’t have dental insurance, you may still qualify for coverage on orthodontic treatment. If you do, your insurance will cover Invisalign® the same way it covers traditional metal braces.