When you think of orthodontics, you probably think of young teenagers sporting traditional metal braces. And you wouldn’t be entirely incorrect; many orthodontic patients do fit that description! However, modern orthodontics has come a long way from the metal and wire braces of the past, and there are no age restrictions on achieving the smile of your dreams! 

Invisalign ® clear aligners are an increasingly popular alternative to traditional metal braces. These removable aligner trays are composed of virtually invisible polyurethane plastic, forming perfectly to your teeth, which allows you to go about your day feeling confident and comfortable! Most importantly, the removable nature of this treatment allows you to maintain your normal dental hygiene routine without having to work around metal brackets and wires. 

At Butterfoss Barton Orthodontics, we are proud to have achieved the distinction of Invisalign Gold+ Provider, due to the advanced training and number of patients we’ve treated with Invisalign. It is with this philosophy of excellence that we strive to help all our patients achieve their dream smiles with the latest orthodontic treatments including Invisalign.

Who Can Use Invisalign®? 

Is Orthodontic Treatment Only For Teens? 

Of course not! It’s never too early or too late to start working towards the smile of your dreams. More and more adults today are seeking orthodontic treatment to improve their smile and oral health. Butterfoss Barton Orthodontics provides Invisalign ® treatment for patients at any stage in development, with Invisalign® First for young children, Invisalign® Teen for adolescents, and standard Invisalign® treatments for adults and young adults! Adults often find Invisalign ® to be a perfect option for their orthodontic treatment thanks to its virtually invisible appearance and easy removability. 

I Have Malocclusions in My Bite. Is Invisalign® Right For Me? 

Misalignments in how your upper and lower teeth connect and work together may indicate a malocclusion in your bite. Though these challenges were once too complex for clear aligner technology, Invisalign ® is now able to correct certain malocclusions as effectively as traditional metal braces! However, there are some malocclusions that are still best treated with metal braces. We recommend you visit the Common Problems page for a full list of common malocclusions, and give us a call to discuss whether Invisalign ® is right for you!

Why Invisalign®? 

There are many advantages to choosing Invisalign® clear aligners. While traditional wire braces are still a common and popular practice in orthodontic alignment, Invisalign® provides patients with a discreet, removable treatment that allows you to go about your daily life mostly unchanged. You can even take them off for important special occasions, eating and, of course, for tooth-brushing and flossing. Some other advantages of the Invisalign® system include: 

  • Improved Oral Hygiene — Brushing and flossing your teeth is much easier when you can simply remove your aligner tray and brush your teeth as normal. 
  • Discreet Appearance — Our self-confidence is important, and if you would rather keep your orthodontic treatment private or simply prefer the sleek look of Invisalign® to that of wire braces, this practically invisible system may be right for you. The discreet look of these aligners makes it very popular with adults seeking orthodontic treatment! 
  • More Dietary Options — The metal and wires of traditional braces need protection, meaning certain foods must be avoided during treatment. With clear aligners, you can simply remove your Invisalign® temporarily while you crunch on popcorn or corn on the cob! 
  • Comfortable Feel — Invisalign® is made of a soft, flexible material that doesn’t irritate the soft tissues inside your mouth. 
  • Protection against Teeth Grinding — If you have a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth, referred to as bruxism, these clear aligners can function as a thin nightguard to protect your teeth against additional wear. 

How It Works

Even though they look quite different, Invisalign® works much the same way as traditional metal braces do: by applying carefully controlled pressure to your teeth, allowing them to move into their proper alignment. The primary difference is in their appearance and materials.

When you start your orthodontic treatment with Invisalign®, your orthodontist will start by taking a digital scan of your teeth to help us design a personalized plan for you. This plan will involve several stages in which the Invisalign® company manufactures two plastic aligner trays, one for your upper teeth and one for your lower teeth.

Each set of trays is worn for two weeks for a minimum of 20 hours per day or as directed by your orthodontist. After this two-week period, you will then move on to the next set of aligners, repeating this process until your teeth are properly aligned.

Caring for Your Teeth

One of the primary advantages of Invisalign® is its removable nature. This makes cleaning your teeth and the aligners themselves easier, but it doesn’t mean you can neglect to clean and care for your teeth regularly!

Brush your teeth after every meal or snack so food particles do not get trapped in between your teeth and the aligners. Neglecting to do this can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. The aligners themselves must also be cleaned thoroughly and regularly to avoid discoloration or damage. This can be done with special cleaning solutions or by simply brushing them and rinsing them off with lukewarm water.

If you or someone you know is a good candidate for Invisalign® treatment, give us a call today to schedule an appointment! We can’t wait to see you!


We are excited to offer Invisalign SmileView™ – an amazing tool designed to show you how Invisalign® treatment can transform your smile. If you have ever been curious about what you would look like with a straighter smile, now you can see a side-by-side comparison using only a selfie.

The SmileView™ tool allows you to upload your best smiling selfie on your smartphone or tablet and, within 60 seconds, see your smile transformation! The before and after images are side by side so you can compare your smiles in the comfort of your own home. If you like what you see, we encourage you to request a complimentary consultation below and get started on your journey to a new smile!