Butterfoss Barton braces in Hampton Va


Butterfoss Barton offers the latest in orthodontic treatment, meaning even traditional metal braces are smaller, more discreet and more comfortable than ever before! As the most common and popular type of dental alignment treatment, metal braces are a great choice for any patient because they allow your orthodontist complete control over each tooth so we can adjust the position of your teeth by small increments.

Butterfoss Barton Invisalign in Hampton va


Invisalign® clear aligners are an increasingly popular alternative to traditional metal braces. These removable aligner trays are composed of virtually invisible polyurethane plastic, forming perfectly to your teeth, which allows you to go about your day feeling confident and comfortable! Most importantly, the removable nature of this treatment allows you to maintain your normal dental hygiene routine without having to work around metal brackets and wires.

Invisalign first icon in Hampton Va


As your child grows, their smile grows with them, and even when they still have their baby teeth, some orthodontic treatment may be necessary to set them up for lifelong success with their orthodontic health. Butterfoss Barton Orthodontics will provide your child with the attention, care and, if necessary, treatment they need to prepare their teeth for a lifetime of smiles.

Butterfoss Barton Invisalign teen in Hampton Va


Invisalign® clear aligners have become an incredibly popular choice for patients of all ages! That’s why Butterfoss Barton Orthodontics is proud to provide Invisalign® Teen, the special system of clear, removable aligners make especially for teens! This system lets you eat what you want, makes it easier to keep up your dental hygiene and is virtually invisible, so you can smile with confidence!

orthodontic emergencies icon at Butterfoss Barton Ortho


True orthodontic emergencies are rare, but they can happen. If you think you may have an emergency, the first step is to determine how severe the problem is. Many minor orthodontic emergencies have simple at-home remedies that serve as a temporary solution until you can make it into the office. Major emergencies are even more rare, but if they occur, call your regular dentist or go to the emergency room to get immediate care.

retention at Butterfoss Barton orthodontics in Hampton va


Even after we remove your braces or complete your aligner treatment, your orthodontic journey isn’t over! When your initial treatment is removed, it is normal for teeth to still be slightly mobile, meaning they can move back out of their proper alignment if you don’t follow the proper retention plan. This is where retainers come in!